Sunday, 6 May 2012

Kidzania (near Ikea & Curve)

My father enrolled me in a promotion contest and I won 2 tickets to go Kidzania with my mother.
I became a surgeon (earned 10 Kidzos)  and pilot (earned 15 Kidzos).

Surgeon at KPJ Hospital


Pilot of Air Asia

"Kidzos"is the currency of Kidzania

Redeemed gift (whistle) for 50 Kidzos

Robotic class in SJK(C) Chung Hua

I have just finished my 10th Robotic class. I will continue for another 10 classes till Aug 2012. I enjoy playing with Robotic legos. I learnt to build dinosaur, spinning top, windmill, ferris wheel, etc

Wizard of Oz

On 5 May 2012, my father brought me and my sister to watch the Wizard of Oz play at Sentul.

Green Confetti on Sue Ann's head during the break.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Lego man

I earned some reward points and exchanged it for the following Lego man which I treasure very much.

Diamond Head

I have finally discovered that I can swim like a fish.

I am FREE !