Tuesday 28 August 2012

I can swim now !!

Earlier this year, I didn't even want to go near the 5 feet pool. Now, I am going under water.
Thanks to Dolphin Swimming Academy, I don't fear water now. BREAK FREE !!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Draw a face starting from the word "boy"

Write the word "boy". Leave a little bit of space between the letters - they shouldn't be touching each other. Don't capitalize any of the letters.
Connect the bottom of the letter "y" to the backbone of the letter "b". This will make the jaw of your cartoon face.
Connect the top of the letter "b" to the top right of the letter "y". This will make the hair so make a hair style. Make zig zags, spirals, a mohawk, or a round head (i.e. bald!).
Connect the top left of the "y" to the beginning of the hair, as shown. This will make the hairline. There isn't much room for creativity here, unless you want to give your cartoon face a widow's peak or a side burn.

Fill in the details. Draw pupils in his eyes, eyebrows, a nose and a mouth.
If you want to be more fancy, color it and it will look fantastic.